Archconfraternity of St. Stephen


The Archconfraternity of Saint Stephen is a Guild formed with the object of sanctifying the server while serving the Mass and other sacred ceremonies. It encourages the highest standards of serving and provides altar servers with a greater understanding of what they are doing so that they may serve with increasing reverence and prayerfulness. Members recite the Guild prayer every day and say short prayers in preparation for and in thanksgiving after, serving Mass.

For more information:

Articles: The Archconfraternity; How it came to the SSPX and how it came to Manila, Philippines

Contact information:

Regina Coeli House
11485 N. Farley Road
Platte City, MO 64079



The Asperges at the beginning of Mass


Prayers after Mass - joined in by Bishop Tissier de Mallerais

After much practice and flawless performance of the ceremonies,
members of the Archconfraternity earn the cord and medal.

Archconfraternity members lead the recessional after Mass
Close up of the cord and medal


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