Altar and Rosary Society


The Altar and Rosary Society assists and supports the parish, using the Blessed Mother’s example, in fulfilling their duties in the service of God. Members care for the church flowers and linens and often lead the rosary before Mass. Additional duties may include caring for vestments, welcoming newcomers, cleaning the church, organizing special events and making rosaries for the missions. In larger parishes, this society may consist of several committees.

For more information:

Brochure: St. Isidore's Parish, Denver

Contact information:

Carita Weber



Setting up the outdoor altar for the Feast of Christ the King

Polishing and repairing candlesticks
Altar of Repose ready for Holy Thursday
Church cleaning
Cleaning and replacing votive candles
Altar decorated for blessing
of the new church
Lapel pin used at St Isidore's Parish
for Altar and Rosary Society members

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